Implementation Fee Benchmarks

Ah, one of the great debates in SaaS: implementation fees. For the uninitiated, implementation
By Patrick Campbell

NPS Revenue Correlation: Impact of NPS on Revenue Expansion

Customer satisfaction isn’t everything, but it’s hard to imagine a successful business that
By Patrick Campbell

Free Trials & Freemium Models: Does One of Them Work Better?

Freemium is an acquisition model, not a revenue model. I’ve been saying this for the better part
By Patrick Campbell

Average Revenue Churn Rate Benchmarks

It's the silent killer in our recurring revenue businesses. But while churn is something all of
By Patrick Campbell

Expansion revenue: How much do you need to be successful?

The beauty of the subscription model is that for the first time in our history we have a
By Patrick Campbell

The SaaS Freemium Model: Great for Acquisition, Not for Revenue

The debate continues to rage on as SaaS and subscription companies alike struggle to figure out
By Patrick Campbell

The Rising Impact of Brand

A great brand absolutely increases the willingness to pay and retention amongst customers. As
By Patrick Campbell

Does Content Marketing Actually Work? The Data Says Yes.

On this episode of the ProfitWell Report, Chris Handy, Co-Founder at ClosedWon, wants to know if
By Patrick Campbell

Ideal Customer Target Size for a New SaaS Company

There are many factors that go into which company size is an ideal target for SaaS companies. As
By Patrick Campbell

Outcome Based Value Metrics Reduce Churn, Increase Revenue

Value metrics are what you charge for - per user, per 100 videos, per something that
By Patrick Campbell
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