What We Learned at SaaSFest 2017

SaaSFest was an absolute blast this year. Our annual day of learning brought 160+ attendees from
By Patrick Campbell

Who You’ll Meet at SaaSFest 2017

At Price Intelligently and ProfitWell, SaaSFest is the best part of every year.
By Patrick Campbell

Your Saas Benchmarks are Likely Wrong

Building a SaaS company takes an enormous amount of work, but the fundamentals aren’t difficult
By Patrick Campbell

The Hidden Talents of Email (Yes, Email)

Litmus's VP of Marketing Justine Jordan is one of my favorite people on the planet. There are
By Patrick Campbell

What is Revenue Collection? Revenue Collection Definition, Examples, And More

Revenue is a recurring (no pun intended) word here at ProfitWell. Making the most out of your
By Patrick Campbell

Pricing Analysts: What They Do & Why They're So Important for Business

The subscription model is booming—meaning more and more companies are acquiring the model—giving
By Patrick Campbell

Rolling Saas Metrics Deceive You. Here's How.

What is the point of calculating and tracking your SaaS metrics?
By Andrew Tate

Crazy Egg's Suneet Bhatt: the How & Why of Support Driven Growth

Acquisition is dying. SaaS is becoming saturated and as Suneet Bhatt, GM at Crazy Egg and former
By Patrick Campbell

Living in the Stone Ages: Doing Revenue Recognition by Hand

In May 2012, JP Morgan Chase lost more than $2 billion. The cause wasn't some massive stock
By Patrick Campbell

Understanding ACV vs. ARR in SaaS Subscription Business

There are so many SaaS acronyms used daily—LTV, CAC, MRR, ARR, ROI, ARPU—making it difficult to
By Patrick Campbell
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